Would you like to shop for beautiful furniture and accessories AND support a good cause all at once? Dwell with Dignity is an amazing organization whose mission is to help families escape poverty and homelessness through design.  They have teamed up with Wisteria to create a contest open to interior design bloggers to create a…(Read More)

CULVER CITY, LOS ANGELES Another of my old favorites in Culver City, Inner Gardens, is HEAVEN for plants and all things related.  In addition to glorious plants of every size and description, they always have an amazing and unique selection of pots, baskets and any other interesting vessels you could dream of for containing them…(Read More)

how to hang art

I go to a lot of houses for interior design consultations, and the great majority of them have nothing, or almost nothing, on the walls.  It seems most clients are paralyzed about where to start with art.  I hope this helps you find some direction and motivation to begin!  If you don’t already have…(Read More)

Living Room Inspiration

As an interior designer, I love to shop for the best furniture, art and home accessories that are currently available online and in stores in Los Angeles.  These are a few of my recent favorites from this week! (the source links in this post have expired) NEED DESIGN HELP?  I HAVE A NEW WEBSITE TO…(Read More)

I have a little obsession with any pieces of furniture or home decor made out of wicker, rattan or bamboo.  I think it’s because they remind me of being on vacation on a tropical island, and it doesn’t get much better than that!  They add so much character and texture to a room…(Read More)

Home Furnishings in Aqua

  Happy New Year!  It’s always fun to get out the Christmas home decor after Thanksgiving, but I’m always more than ready to put all of the red and green away when the holiday entertaining is over!  Aqua and all related shades (teal, turquoise, deep peacock blue) has always been one of my…(Read More)

interior design

I have to admit that pink is not usually my go-to color for decorating, but I came across these great home decor pieces recently and couldn’t resist.  One of the things that I love about being an interior designer is getting to work with so many different design styles and color schemes.  I…(Read More)

If you are looking for some interesting home decor pieces to mix in with your basic furniture, check out Berbere World Imports.  I feel like a lot of people I know who aren’t in the design industry don’t know it’s here in Los Angeles, and it’s such a great resource.  They…(Read More)

CULVER CITY, LOS ANGELES I just stopped in to one of my old favorite vintage & antique shops, Jefferson West.  I don’t live as close by as I used to, so I haven’t been in ages, but it was so nice to be back amongst all the treasures there.  I was happy to…(Read More)