
Seascape Oil Paintings: Shop Original Vintage Art Online


I buy so many different types of vintage art for our online shop, but I seem to have more seascape paintings than anything else.  I’m a little obsessed! They are so peaceful and comforting.  Even the ones with stormy seas still make me happy to see the ocean. I’ve rounded up a few of our current ones below for those of you wanting to spruce up in time for summer.

For ideas on how to display all types of art, feel free to visit one of the many Pinterest boards I’ve made on the subject, as well as one of my blog posts:

Gallery Walls: Quick and Easy Hanging Tips

How to Create a Gallery Wall of Art

A Step-By-Step Guide to Placing Art



oil painting


interior design


oil painting


interior design



All photos in this blog post are by the team at Anna Hackathorn Inc.

NEED DESIGN HELP?  I HAVE A NEW WEBSITE TO TEACH PEOPLE HOW TO DO INTERIOR DESIGN FOR THEIR OWN HOMES! Visit PLAN + ELEVATE to watch video tutorials, download exclusive resources and tools, and sign up for a personal interior design video consultation where you can get specific questions answered about your own rooms.

I’m available for hourly interior design consultations or art consultations  in person in the South Bay of Los Angeles: Palos Verdes, Redondo Beach, Hermosa Beach, or Manhattan Beach.

Let’s keep in touch!

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